Wednesday, August 26, 2009


okay, so i know that tuna salad is pretty easy. i know that salmon salad is just about as easy, and everyone knows that "my mom made the best tuna salad oh my god". i get it.

but there's this restaraunt on ventura, aroma cafe, the israeli one, that makes the best tuna salad oh my god.
they serve it on a very thin, toasted bagel and it is DELISH!

but the mercury...oh. i just use salmon instead. it's better anyway.

(i always give my cat a little.)

so i came up with this.

SpicySweet Humus Salmon Salad
1 can wild Alaskan salmon (in water), boneless
2-3 tbs. Mediterranean hummus
2 tbs. organic mayonnaise
1 tbs. sriracha

2 tbs. organic sweet pickle relish
10 red seedless grapes, halved
Salt and pepper to taste

INSTRUCTIONS: mix it all up in a bowl. it's very yummy with cabaret crackers, or romaine. i also like it with those snacksalad pea crisp things. i love those things.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Alright. I haven't heard from the Daring Cooks, so unless they read my last post and got offended and denied my registration,

mine will be a Daring Kitchen next month.

It's good. I can call the oven guy and get my oven fixed.

My sister got me Julia's cookbook for my birthday. I hope my boyfriend doesn't get angry that I'll be spending most of my money at Whole Foods from now on...

Beef stew, here I come.

Also, and semi-related: I need a digital camera. Just a cheap-y one. I think they're like 150 bucks. I can swing that.

Friday, August 14, 2009

god, i hope this isn't a mistake

big surprise. i've been inspired by paula and julia and that damn movie.

if i wasn't so horrible at the actual techniques, and was artistic and creative and didn't require practice at this stuff, it wouldn't have affected me at all.

but it did and now i'm a daring cook. well. i'm waiting for confirmation and acceptance, but i signed up. membership closes on the 14th of each month, which is today (i'm assuming i can disclose that...), so i don't know if i'll be included in this month's challenge, or next month's.

i secretly hope it's not until next month, so i have time to get my oven fixed. the thermostat is broken. although, i CAN toaster oven it, if necessary.

just fyi...that delicious picture up at the top is used with permission from the lovely and talented Deb of Smitten Kitchen. you should read her blog. every day.

daring cooks. here we go.